social justice in action

Outreach ministries: where community and church meet


Come join us on Wednesday evenings starting October 19th for a time of community, breaking bread, and learning something new! Each meeting will begin with a time of food and chatting and then transition into a lesson or activity.

We Meet will start at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Is 5:30 too early? Don’t worry! We are meeting until 7:30 p.m. and will gladly save food until you arrive! This is a casual learning space where you can feel free to come and go as you need.

more light

We subscribe to the mission statement of all More Light Presbyterians ( ) in North American: “Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society.” Inclusive by intention, we embrace the full participation of LGBTQIA people in all aspects of our church community.


Several members of our First Presbyterian community participate in “Not In Our Town,” an organization that has emerged out of a partnership between Bowling Green State University and the City of Bowling Green: “Not In Our Town Bowling Green was created to champion diversity and advance the mission of guiding and inspiring people and the community to work together to stop hate and build safe, inclusive environments for all.

BGSU students

We welcome BGSU students to join us for worship each Sunday at 10am (livestreaming via FB) and to engage with us in our many community projects.* Join us via our Facebook site (First Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green Ohio) for special events, such as We Meet Wednesdays: Dinner and Fellowship for all; Safe Zone Training Workshop; Green Team activities, migrant welcome event in July.

Choir: We are proud of our BGSU Choral Scholars Program. If you like to sing, please contact Heather McEwen Goldman at



BGSU Students

Deacons' Shop

The Deacons’ Shop offers free gently used clothing and other household items to anyone in need- no questions asked. Our current hours are every Thursday of the month (except holidays) from 9:30 am-11 am. Persons interested in taking part should go to our courtyard during the open times.

The Deacons’ Shop is run strictly on volunteers and donations.


We are a loving and caring community of faith, located in the heart of Bowling Green, Ohio where Christ Welcomes All. As thoughtful followers of Christ committed to empathy, reflection and outreach, we gather together for worship, fellowship and service. We include all ages in our ministries. We have a deep love for music, mission and social justice, with a highly devoted congregation welcoming and caring deeply for all people within and beyond its walls. 


Our congregation is one of the nearly 13,000 similar congregations spread across the United States that, together, make up the Presbyterian Church (USA).