PW Fall Luncheon will be Sunday, October 6

We are excited to announce the PW Fall Luncheon will be Sunday, October 6, in Fellowship Hall following the morning service.    A short business meeting and speaker will follow lunch.  Our speaker will be our own Dick Martin, local BG historian and member of the BG Historic Preservation Commission.  In July, historical signage designed and […]

The event is set for December 14!

The event is set for December 14! A delicious pancake breakfast will be served, and individuals and families will receive Aldi gift cards for their grocery needs. Children will receive Walmart gift cards, so they may select a Christmas gift of their choice. The Deacons are asking you to consider donating to help with the […]

Kindred Spirits Resumes

Kindreds Spirits Circle starts in September.  We plan to try the latest PW Bible study, “Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation” This is different from past studies in that it focuses on scripture’s view of land, water, air, food and climate change justice rather than a specific book of […]


We are a loving and caring community of faith, located in the heart of Bowling Green, Ohio where Christ Welcomes All. As thoughtful followers of Christ committed to empathy, reflection and outreach, we gather together for worship, fellowship and service. We include all ages in our ministries. We have a deep love for music, mission and social justice, with a highly devoted congregation welcoming and caring deeply for all people within and beyond its walls. 


Our congregation is one of the nearly 13,000 similar congregations spread across the United States that, together, make up the Presbyterian Church (USA).