Rock ’em Sock ’em Retro fundraising event . . .

Sunday, October 13th (today) from 2 – 5pm BGO Pride will be hosting an open-play at Rock ’em Sock ’em Retro where you pay $5 and you can play in the arcade as much as you want and there is also a Super Smash Brothers Tournament happening. All proceeds go to support BGO Pride.

Re-kindle Youth Retreat . . . .

Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to register for the Re-Kindle retreat at Kirkmont Center from: Nov. 11th – Nov. 13th 2022 Join us for a time of renewal and learning! See Amanda for more details or to sign up.

Help Pass Out Candy with Amanda . . .

BG Trick or Treat is October 31st! If you want to hand out candy but don’t have a house to do so, join us in our green space to give treats to Trick or Treaters on that day! See Amanda for more details. 

On All Saints Day We Remember . . . .

On All Saints Day We Remember. On Sunday, November 3rd, we will observe All Saints Day in worship. The centerpiece of this annual worship service is the necrology reading wherein every church member who has left this life and entered life-eternal is named and remembered. Of course, for many of us, our friends and family extend […]

WeMeet, Oct. 16th – Native American Justice w/ Dr. Heidi Nees-Carver

There’s no way to adequately describe the privilege we, as a congregation, have in having Heidi Nees-Carver as one of our members. Co-founder and co-convener of BGSU’s popular “In the Round” speaker series, Heidi has paired passion with knowledge to create some holy wisdom when it comes to Native American justice. It has long been […]


The Membership Committee is pleased to announce that our new directory has been printed and bound. It is available now at the church. To help offset the printing costs, we’re hoping for $10 gifts for each printed version of the directory given out. Digital PDF versions will also be available at no cost. Email Tammy […]

The event is set for December 14!

The event is set for December 14! A delicious pancake breakfast will be served, and individuals and families will receive Aldi gift cards for their grocery needs. Children will receive Walmart gift cards, so they may select a Christmas gift of their choice. The Deacons are asking you to consider donating to help with the […]

Regular Office Hours Resumes – Sept. 3

Monday – Office Closed Tuesday – 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.  (office closed 12:30-1:30/lunch) Wednesday – 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (office closed 12:30-1:30/lunch) Thursday – 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (office closed 12:30-1:30/lunch) Friday – 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The Deacons’ Shop

The Deacons’ Shop offers free gently used clothing to anyone in need- no questions asked. The Deacons’ Shop is run strictly on volunteers and donations. The Deacons’ Shop at First Presbyterian Church, BG is currently only accepting winter coats, boots, gloves, scarves and hats and also winter blankets. Due to limited storage space at the […]


We are a loving and caring community of faith, located in the heart of Bowling Green, Ohio where Christ Welcomes All. As thoughtful followers of Christ committed to empathy, reflection and outreach, we gather together for worship, fellowship and service. We include all ages in our ministries. We have a deep love for music, mission and social justice, with a highly devoted congregation welcoming and caring deeply for all people within and beyond its walls. 


Our congregation is one of the nearly 13,000 similar congregations spread across the United States that, together, make up the Presbyterian Church (USA).